Just an Itty-Bitty Fraction of a Song…

So, little known fact:  Sometimes I write songs for Apollon.  Even rarer still, sometimes I record them.  I recorded this little bit earlier this evening and shared it to my FB, thinking that would be the end of it.  Um, no…

Apollon:  You know you’re going to put this on your blog right?

Me:  Are you kidding?  FB wasn’t enough?

Apollon:  You know better, darling.

Me:  I can’t sing…

Apollon:  *laughs*

Me:  I’m serious…

Apollon:  So am I.

Soooooo, yeah.  I can only record about a minute at a time because my internet is super slow right now, that’s why the next part will be a while, but thanks to Apollon, you get to hear part one.  And really, He’s the one to thank, because *I* really want to curl into a ball of embarrassment, and disappear.

Call to Apollon, part 1

Apollon, come into my life
I have opened the doors
I see You in the bleak afternoon
When the storm breaks upon the shore

I know You in the calm waterways
I’ve seen You in the warm summer rays
But now in my life I need You to recognize
That I am so weary without You

Apollon, walk into my heart
You have been given the key
To release all the troubles that have burdened me
For so long, and such a fitful life

[Image on the recording is “Apollon” by PeyotaS on DeviantArt.  I think. Please offer corrections if I’m wrong.]

7 responses to “Just an Itty-Bitty Fraction of a Song…

  1. I saw this on Facebook, and I’m thrilled to see it here. It’s such a beautiful song. <3

    (Your voice is beautiful, too. So please don't be embarrassed at all.)

    • Thank you. That’s what the ole highschool choir teacher said, trying to lure me in. Unfortunately, his class was *always* at the same time as Orchestra. Priorities. I have them. lol I never much tried to develop my voice, so the insecurities abound.

  2. Beautiful! My son was also enchanted. :)

  3. You have a beautiful voice!